leadership programme
for senior executives

This residential programme at Wotton House in the UK is designed for senior executives to review, reset and reignite their strategic leadership – supported by experienced executive coaches – in order to be more effective leaders and team players at the senior leadership team level and as leaders of leaders.

Who is the Senior Executives Programme
designed for and who would benefit?

Senior executives who attend the Strategic Leadership Programme are often:

  • Senior executives who are being prepared to be potential CEO successors.
  • A senior executive with strong technical skills (CFO, CIO, COO) whose success requires the need to engage and empower their teams and peers.
  • HR Executives seeking to develop their own leadership and gain insight into leadership development for their organisation.
  • Leaders demonstrating behaviours that indicate high IQ but low awareness of their impact on others.
  • Those leading outside their area of direct expertise.
  • From organisations seeking to develop a strong, unified and effective leadership brand for their senior executive team.

I found the SLP programme at ISL hugely worthwhile. My fellow participants were diverse and stimulating - we really enjoyed learning from each other - and the experiential nature of the programme made it highly relevant to work and life in the real world. As far as I know, there’s nothing quite like it out there... a very special learning and growing experience.

Dr Masood Ahmed MBBS, MBA

Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Shropshire

Board Trustee, Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity

How the ISL Strategic Leadership Programme differs and adds to a traditional MBA and AMP

Executive MBA and Advanced Management Programmes at traditional business schools is a general management programme that teaches functional subjects including economics, accounting, finance, operations, and the theory of leadership.

General management know-how is very important for Chief Executives and senior leaders. However, as Peter Drucker once said “organisations are typically over managed and under-led”.

The ISL development experience is a deep immersion process that enhances your authentic leadership qualities, refines your purpose and contribution, hones your strategic vision, and builds your personal confidence and courage.

"The ISL programme provided a chance to get off the treadmill, take time out in this beautiful place to reflect and take off layers, make sense of my world, and make plans for taking the next step up."

Strategic Leadership Programme
for Senior Executives


Programme Length:

7 days


Wotton House,
Surrey, UK

Class Size:

15 - 25 participants

ISL Team:

  • 1 x Programme Director
  • 3-5 Executive Coaches
  • 3-5 Executive Health and
    Resilience Coaches

Programme Dates:


21 - 28 June 2025

Programme Fees:


Meals &


Review. Reset. Reignite.

Contact us

Level 30
The Leadenhall Building
122 Leadenhall Street

+44 20 7786 6701

ISO 9001